Critical Sources


Furneaux, Holly. "Dickens and Sex." Critical Survey. 17.2 (2005): 1-4.

-Furneaux goes over the "scrutiny of the erotics" in several of Dicken's novels including "David Copperfield."

Gregory, Marshall. “Ethical Engagements over Time: Reading and Rereading ‘David Copperfield’ and Wuthering    Heights.” Narrative. 12.3 (2004): 281-305.

- Gregory discusses ethical crisis in both “David Copperfield,” as well as Bronte’s “Wurthering Heights.”

MacDonald, Tara. "'Red-Headed Animal': Race, Sexuality, and Dickens's Uriah Heep." Critical Survey. 17.2 (2005): 48-52.

-Macdonald discusses the diversity of the male characters in the novel “David Copperfield.” Talks about anti-Semitism through the character of Uriah Heep.

Mason, M.S. “Copperfield speaks to the ‘me’ culture.” Christian Science Monitor. 92.100 (2003): 18.

-Mason discusses the television program produced for PBS based on the Dicken’s novel; “David Copperfield.”

 Rose, Natalie. "Flogging and Fascination: Dickens and the Fragile Will." Victorian Studies. 47.4 (2005): 29.

- Rose discusses the affect of flogging on the mental psyche of the person receiving the flogging. Also discusses the implications of punishment on a child's mind.